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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 223.—Five-boom, 'iatolima dugout:

Figure 223.—Five-boom, 'iatolima dugout:

Figure 223.—Five-boom, 'iatolima dugout:

1, aft single boom; 2, 3, middle pair of booms spaced sufficiently to allow balancing spar to be placed between; 4, 5, forward pair of booms close together; 6, suati balancing spar with inner end passing under cross piece (7) and above a second cross piece (8); 9, float; 10, connecting pegs in pairs; 11, two longitudinal poles; 12, knob ornamentation; 13, serrated edge ornamentation; 14, wide inner flange of upper edges; 15, sail; 16, spars supporting sail; 17, fore stay from fore spar to bow; 18, aft stay from aft spar to aft boom; 19, right side stay from, fore spar to balancing spar; stay on other side to one of the outrigger booms concealed by sail.