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Tuatara: Volume 16, Issue 3, December 1968

FIG. 1: Underside of the thallus showing the position of the scales. I — laminar scale; m — median scale; mg. — marginal scale. x 2. — FIG. 2: Transverse section of part of the thallus where air-chambers are lacking. x 80. — FIG. 3: Transverse section of part of the thallus with air-chambers. x 80. — FIG. 4: Appendage of a median scale. x 80. — FIG. 5: Edge of the involucre. x 75. — FIG. 6: Part of the cupule rim. x 75

FIG. 1: Underside of the thallus showing the position of the scales. I — laminar scale; m — median scale; mg. — marginal scale. x 2.FIG. 2: Transverse section of part of the thallus where air-chambers are lacking. x 80.FIG. 3: Transverse section of part of the thallus with air-chambers. x 80.FIG. 4: Appendage of a median scale. x 80.FIG. 5: Edge of the involucre. x 75.FIG. 6: Part of the cupule rim. x 75.

FIG. 1: Underside of the thallus showing the position of the scales. I — laminar scale; m — median scale; mg. — marginal scale. x 2.
FIG. 2: Transverse section of part of the thallus where air-chambers are lacking. x 80.
FIG. 3: Transverse section of part of the thallus with air-chambers. x 80.
FIG. 4: Appendage of a median scale. x 80.
FIG. 5: Edge of the involucre. x 75.
FIG. 6: Part of the cupule rim. x 75.