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The Maori Canoe

Fig. 74 Floor-grating and Decking. A. A common method of supporting the floor-grating of a canoe (see p. 159). In another method the fore-and-aft kauhuahua were lashed to the tokai, and the cross-pieces to support the flooring were then lashed on to these stringpieces. B. Diagram of a method of suspending the decking of a canoe as recorded by the late A. Hamilton. The author has no data concerning the possible use of this method by the Maori

Fig. 74 Floor-grating and Decking. A. A common method of supporting the floor-grating of a canoe (see p. 159). In another method the fore-and-aft kauhuahua were lashed to the tokai, and the cross-pieces to support the flooring were then lashed on to these stringpieces. B. Diagram of a method of suspending the decking of a canoe as recorded by the late A. Hamilton. The author has no data concerning the possible use of this method by the Maori.

Sketches by Miss E. Richardson