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Design Review: Volume 1, Issue 4 (December 1948)

whereas the theatre of to-morrow will be a true expression of community life. With a buffet open every evening and wall space for art exhibitions, its foyer becomes, as in the great theatres of Scandinavia, a social centre, a place for the intelligent use of leisure. Its profits will be small; its value to the cultural life of this country immense

whereas the theatre of to-morrow will be a true expression of community life. With a buffet open every evening and wall space for art exhibitions, its foyer becomes, as in the great theatres of Scandinavia, a social centre, a place for the intelligent use of leisure. Its profits will be small; its value to the cultural life of this country immense.

whereas the theatre of to-morrow will be a true expression of community life. With a buffet open every evening and wall space for art exhibitions, its foyer becomes, as in the great theatres of Scandinavia, a social centre, a place for the intelligent use of leisure. Its profits will be small; its value to the cultural life of this country immense.