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Selected Images from the Collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library

Map of the Wellington Province, from Wanganui southwards, depicting topographical features, statements on soil quality, land useage, forest coverage, Maori tracks, districts, pa sites, farm stations, place names. Also includes the surnames of some landowners in the Wairarapa, including Drummond, Kelleys, Allom, McMasters, Vavasours, Bidwells, Tiffins. Wanganui and Wellington are highlighted. A whaling station and small settlements are also depicted. Cartographic Collection, Reference No. MapCol…

Ink and watercolour on paper, linen backed, scale indeterminable, 60 x 48 cm.

Map of the Wellington Province, from Wanganui southwards, depicting topographical features, statements on soil quality, land useage, forest coverage, Maori tracks, districts, pa sites, farm stations, place names. Also includes the surnames of some landowners in the Wairarapa, including Drummond, Kelleys, Allom, McMasters, Vavasours, Bidwells, Tiffins. Wanganui and Wellington are highlighted. A whaling station and small settlements are also depicted. Cartographic Collection, Reference No. MapColl-832.4a/[ca.1845]/Acc.2739 Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.