Michele Leggott

Michele Leggott was the inaugural New Zealand Poet Laureate 2007–09 and received the Prime Minister’s Award for Literary Achievement in Poetry in 2013. Her collections include Heartland (2014) and Mirabile Dictu (2009), both from Auckland University Press. She coordinates the New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (nzepc) with Brian Flaherty at the University of Auckland, and recently co-edited Alan Brunton’s selected poems, Beyond the Ohlala Mountains (Titus Books 2013), with Martin Edmond.

Leggott comments: ‘I took nine precious things (the dark, stars, humours, light, rain and so on) and made four-line stories for each of them. The experiment is about expanding the physical and temporal limits of seeing the world and its delicate matrices. 9 + 36 = 45, a number whose digits add up to 9. As does any multiple of that interesting number.’

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