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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 7. June 11, 1947



It would have been better if the "suggestions" had been addressed in the first instance to the Cafeteria Controller. I fail to find any constructive suggestions in the letter—it appears to be mainly a misdirected moan.

The Varsity Cafeteria is not attempting to compete with town restaurants but has as its aim the provision of the best possible meals at the lowest possible prices for students.

Lunch.—At lunch time from the beginning of this term hot pies, hot saveloys with gravy are being served, which is an innovation. I do not know how much variety Miss Young requires in the fillings of her sandwiches but here is a list of those usually served in the Cafeteria: Ham, luncheon sausage, pressed tongue, egg, beetroot, cheese and onion, cucumber, cheese and marmite. Home-baked buttered scones are sold at a penny each, whereas in town scones with substitute butter sell at twopence each. Other prices for small goods are on a par with town prices, while the quality, is superior.

The price of the evening meal is one and ninepence which is the same as for the past two years at least. We would be very pleased to know where Miss Young is able to get a three course evening meal in town for two shillings. From our experience a meal consisting of soup and meat costs two shillings or more.

The size of the meals served does not vary according to the amount of food available. Any variation could only be due to the fact that sometimes students help with the dishing out during rush periods, and it is possible that some serve smaller portions than others.

So far as the general staff and cooking difficulties are concerned perhaps Miss Young will oblige us by either helping or observing in the kitchen during a rush period, (with the numbers going through these days this means anytime) when she will get a vague idea of the tremendous difficulties with which a very hard working manageress and staff are coping.

The Cafeteria is being run by fifty per cent of the staff necessary and if Miss Young can provide us with an assistant cook, a kitchen maid, a full time and a part-time helper we will then be able to explore the possibilities of more rapid service and if she will also provide us with a kitchen at least four times as large as the present one complete with three times as much equipment, we will then, we hope, be able to give a more rapid and efficient service. As it is, the present staff is working long hours, while the Manageress always spends twelve and lately thirteen or fourteen hours a day preparing meals and after the Cafeteria closes, baking for the following day.

This year I have heard many compliments from the students of three or four years standing, on the quality and quantity of the dinners served this year.

I should be very pleased if any students with helpful suggestions to make for the more efficient running of the Cafeteria, having in mind the present, limitations, would bring these suggestions to me. They can rest assured that any ideas will be welcomed.

Jean Priest.

Cafeteria Controller.