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Heels 1981

Trail of Destruction, continued

Trail of Destruction, continued

-January '81.

Having packed the disruptive element off down the Taipo four of us continued the planned trip. A very good track led us up the true right to Julia Hut. One of my favourites - really cosy-memories of days spent piking there - but no!! -time for a quick foot-warming session in the hot springs then into pit for an early start next morning.

Sunday dawnwd gloriously fine and we were on Whitehorn Pass by lunchtime. Danny's first play on snow - comments about cold toes - continued down Cronin Stream - nice travel - to Park Morpeth Hut. Saw our first people for ages. Much excitement when they gave us some fruitcake (thank's Chris for not liking fruitcake). Bathtime in the freezing Wilberforce.

Monday was a lazy day as we zig-zagged up to Browning Pass and lay in the sun near Lake Browning. Beautiful. Rob taught Danny to self arrest in the only patch of snow. We camped outside Harman Hut that night - interesting game of chance when choosing boulders to anchor the guy-ropes.

Tuesday - out down the Styx. Huge track. The rain and general grey-ness chased us out to Hokitika and the inevitable huge feed. All in all an eventful trip. The last three perfect days made up for the earlier problems.

The Survivors: Danny If you see a lad wandering up Lambton Quay with a map in his page ix page 56hand and a foreign pack that will be him.

Mt Kensington and the Adams valley, looking to the Tasman Sea. (Matt Johnston)

Mt Kensington and the Adams valley, looking to the Tasman Sea. (Matt Johnston)

"Where's my contact lens gone?", river-crossing practice,Bushcraft. (David Clelland)

"Where's my contact lens gone?", river-crossing practice,Bushcraft. (David Clelland)

Tongariro today, World Champs tomorrow. Helen Morgan,Queens Birthday. (Dave Waghorn)

Tongariro today, World Champs tomorrow. Helen Morgan,Queens Birthday. (Dave Waghorn)

Rob Ultra good value on a trip,just quietly.

Chris Stirrer.

Lynette The only sane member of the party.