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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 3a

A Selection from the R.P.A. List

page 95

A Selection from the R.P.A. List.

Benn, A. W.Modern England. A Record of Opinion and Action from the Time of the French Revolution to the Present Day. xxvvi-519 pp.; cloth, 2 vols., 7s. net, by post 7s. 6d.

"A masterly record Modern England is a book to keep you up late at night. It tells you in a delightful way all that is best worth remembering in the history of the eventful period it covers."—The Clarion.

Revaluations: Historical and Ideal. XV.-320 pp.; cloth, 3s. 6d. net, by post 3s. 10d.

Cassels, Walter R.Supernatural Religion: An Inquiry into, the Reality of Divine Revelation. Popular Edition, thoroughly revised by the Author. xvi.-920 pp.; paper cover, 2s. 6d. net, by post 2s. 11d.; cloth, 6s. net, by post 6s. 6d.; half morocco, gilt edges, 10s. net, by post 10s. 6d.

A really great work, pronounced by Matthew Arnold to be "learned and exact," and by John Morley to be "decisive, trenchant, and far-reaching," the author stating "his case with a force which no previous English writer on the negative side can have the smallest claim to rival."

Conybeare, F. C., M.A. (late Fellow and Praelector of Univ. Coll., Oxford; Fellow of the British Academy; Doctor of Theology, honoris, causa, of Giessen; Officier d'Académie).—Myth, Magic, and Morals: A Study of Christian Origins. xviii.-376 pp.; cloth, 4s. 6d. net, by post 4s. 10d.

In his Preface the Author states that his object is to inquire carefully who Jesus of Nazareth was, what were his real aims and ideas, what the means at his command for realising them, and how the great institutions connected with his name originated and grew up. The investigation is conducted in a simple and straightforward, and at the same time scholarly, manner. Mr. Conybeare insists that we must face the problems of our age and adopt the solutions which an enlightened criticism provides. (Highly praised by the Press.)

Gorham, Charles T.The First Easter Dawn: An Inquiry into the Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus. xii.-320 pp.; cloth, 4s. 6d. net, by post 4s. 11d.

"The book is well written, is marked by conscientious study, and takes a wide survey of the field."—Edinburgh Evening News.

"An impartial and clear-headed summing-up of evidence."—Scotsman.

Gould, F. J.The Children's Plutarch. With six full-page Illustrations by Walter Crane. viii.-286 pp.; cloth, 2s. 6d. net, by post 2s. 10d.

A Concise History of Religion. 3 vols. Vol. I., 3s.; Vol. II., 3s. 6d.; Vol. III., 5s.

No work of the same size and dealing with this important theme contains such a mass of information. All the highest authorities have been carefully consulted, and the book gives the main results of Biblical criticism, together with other valuable matter, in what is, by comparison at least, a nutshell. The First Volume treats of the superstitions of savages and primitive man, and delineates the characteristics of the religions of America, Finland, China, Egypt, Arabia, Chaldæa, Syria, India, Japan, Persia, the Kelts, Greeks, and Romans. The Second Volume takes to pieces the whole of the Old Testament literature, and explains the origin of the various parts. The last chapter describes the Religious Environment of early Christianity. The Third Volume traces the growth of the Christian movement, the lives of Paul and Jesus (with due separation of the mythical elements), and affords a Rationalistic analysis of the whole of the New Testament books.

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Gould, F. J.The Children's Book of Moral Lessons. First Series. Cheap Edition; with design by Walter Crane; 128 pp.; paper cover, 6d., cloth 1s., by post 1s. 3d. Second Series ("Kindness" and Work and Duty"); 204 pp.; cloth, 2s., by post 2s. 3d. Third Series ('The Family"; "People of Other Lands"; "History of Industry, Art, Science, and Religion"), 203 pp.; cloth, 2s., by post 2s. 3d. Fourth Series ("Justice," "The Common Weal," "Our Country," "Social Responsibilities," "Political and Industrial Progress," etc.), 216 pp.; cloth, 2s., by post 2s. 3d.

While theology is strictly excluded from the lessons here reproduced, they are constructed on such a humanitarian basis as to fit them for use in homes and schools of all classes and creeds.

Stories for Moral Instruction. Supplementary volume to The Children's Book of Moral Lessons, containing additional stories illustrative of the topics treated in the four volumes of that work; also "The Story of the Nibelungs." viii.-202 pp.; cloth, 2s., by post 2s. 3d.

Hird, Dennis.—A Picture Book of Evolution. Part I. (Astronomy, Geology, and Zoology), with 182 Illustrations, viii.-201 pp.; cloth, 2s. 6d. net, by post 2s. 10d. Part II. (Comparative Anatomy and Embryology, and giving the Pedigree of Man), with 194 Illustrations, viii.-219 pp.; cloth, 2s. 6d. net, by post 2s. 10d. The two Parts post free 5s. 6d.

"We know of no work which tells the whole story of the development of man in plainer language than this, and can recommend it to all who desire information on a subject that ought to interest us all."—Westminster Review.

McCabe, Joseph.—Life and Letters of George Jacob Holyoake. With two Photogravure Portraits and eight other Illustrations. 2 vols., medium 8vo, xviii.-716 pp.; cloth, gilt tops, 16s. net, by post 16s. 9d.

"Mr. McCabe has done his work carefully, sympathetically, and well.......It is a valuable record of one of the most useful lives of the Victorian era. Mr. Holyoake came into contact with many of the most noteworthy persons of his time; but there were few, even among the best, who could be compared to him for nobility of character, unselfishness of aim, courage of conviction, or who rendered more useful services in their day and generation."—Review of Reviews.

"It is a fine figure of a man which stands out from the pages of this well-written and interesting biography."—Daily Telegraph.

Robertson, John M.A Short History of Freethought, Ancient and Modern. In 2 vols., xxvL-935 pp.; 21s. net, by post 2is. 7d.

Courses of Study. New, revised and enlarged, edition, viii.-540 pp.; cloth, 6s. net, by post 6s. 6d.

"An encyclopaedic book by a well-known scholar, and likely to be of much value."—Times.

"Ought to be in the library of every student, and, indeed, of every person aspiring to knowledge."—Leicester Mercury.

"Forms a valuable book of reference for reading men, and should have a place of its own in every well-stocked library."—Scotsman.

"The best book of its kind."—London Opinion.

Pagan Christs: Studies in Comparative Hierology. xviii.-442 pp.; 8s. 6d. net, by post 9s.

"The book is of intense interest to the student of comparative religion, and it is marked by the industrious ability which has enabled Mr. Robertson to gain the ear of many who dissent widely from his views."—Literary World.

A Short History of Christianity. 400 PP.; cloth, 6s. net, by post 6s. 4d.

Pioneer Humanists. 399 pp.; cloth, 6s. net, by post 6s. 4d.

Watts and Co., 17, Johnson's Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.