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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 2. 1962.

To all Overseas Students

To all Overseas Students

There are some students who have not many contacts in New Zealand, and who would really like to get to know more New Zealanders; there are some who are just plain friendly and want to meet people; there are some also who would like to get away from their boarding and study establishments at times to "forget it all" but have few places where they can go and relax.

The Overseas Friendship Service has been formed with these students in mind, to put them in contact with New Zealand families who have expressed a wish to meet them and make their homes available to them. It has been set in motion by the Christian Graduates' Fellowship (an interdenominational and Protestant group affiliated to the Inter Varsity Fellowship of New Zealand) and most of the people concerned are graduates from New Zealand Universities, Training and Agricultural Colleges, with university students in their families. The aim of the Service is to offer Christian hospitality to overseas students; it is quite understood that these students will come from many religious backgrounds and we would emphasise that the organisation is not designed in any way to attempt to persuade the student to change his religious beliefs.

There are two ways in which students can use the Service:—

For those who would like to go out occasionally, perhaps with a friend, to a family in their study centres for meals and outings, etc., there is the Host Family service.

The student contacts the O.F.S. Representative in his city (see the list below) either direct or through the Students' Association, giving details of address and phone number, etc. The Representative will then let the family know, and the family in turn will get in touch with the student, making definite arrangements for a meeting.

(b)For those intending to travel in the holidays and who would prefer to stay with private families enroute, there is the Vacation Hospitality service.

The student sends details of his intended travelling arrangements to the O.F.S. Secretary. P.O. Box 2381, Wellington, and where possible, arrangements will be made for him to stay a night or a few days with particular families.

We would also like to entertain those students who are passing through Wellington before going to their universities elsewhere. Many arrive here from overseas, and often have a weekend or several days to fill in, and we would be glad to see that they are taken round the city, or taken out for a meal during this time. If any present students know of any newcomers who may be arriving, and would want to welcome them in this way, please contact the Secretary, and arrangements can be made for the fresher and his or her friend to accompany her.

There are O.F.S. Representatives in each of the four main centres, Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, as well as Palmerston North. They are:—
  • Auckland—Miss L. Brewerton, 82 Calgary Street, Auckland.
  • Wellington—Miss J. Fogg, 638 High Street, Lower Hutt.
  • Ciikistchurch—Mr. C. V. Currie, 4 Worsley Rd., Christchurch.
  • Dunedln—Mr. H. Wilson, 37 Ann Street, Roslyn, Dunedin.
  • Palmerston North—Dr. N. Little, Victoria Avenue, Palmerston North.

Students can contact these people if they leave the Wellington area, with regard to the Host Family service, but where possible, requests for Vacation hospitality should be sent to the Secretary.

We sincerely hope that all overseas students, whether private, Colombo Plan, or sponsored by any other organisation will make use of the Service, as we would be very glad to help you where we can.

Jane Fogg,

Secretary, Overseas Friendship Service.