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Salient.The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 19, No. 4. April 6, 1955

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

The Editor.


Dear Sir.

As all well-informed people know, the Socialist Club is the meet important club at VUC—not because of its size, but because of its aims. It tries to give people an interest in international and domestic affairs, and to arouse political consciousness. Lunch-hour meetings are held to discuss student affairs in relation to the greater problems of the world. Aula's concerns are our concerns. It is in the students' interest to know what is happening.

We may become involved in a war at any time and we should know why we are at war. A lot of people in the last world war and in minor wars since then have thought that they knew what they were fighting for: but how many were mistaken. It is not simply a case of one side being right and the other aide wrong (except in the case of the "Dominion" and the "People's Voice").

Of course it is easier to do and believe everything we are told, than it is to try and find out for ourselves. Does it require a war or a depression to make people ask what is wrong? The answer lies in questioning the reasons given. The Soc. Club is not here to give answers but to raise questions.

The trouble is that no-one is interested in either questions or answers, and this apparent indifference to the political problems of our day can only contribute to [unclear: conons] favourable to war. It is too [unclear: lao] ask questions when our vocal chorda are swelling in a cloud of radio-active dust.

Tempus Vennit.
