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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 15, No. 14. July 24, 1952

Table Tennis Championships

Table Tennis Championships

Few major surprises have marked this year's championships. The early defeat of C. Cullingford, one of the seeded four, by G. Taylor was the only one which caused a trembel in an otherwise exen "as expected" tournament.

A. Robinson's loss to R. Lee, how-over, has assumed greater importance with Robinson's success over M. L. Dunn in the Wanganui junior singles. At the same centre B. Jones, the leading Varsity Club player, gave a fine performance to reach the quarter-final of the North Island open. His success, we hope, will bring this club more under the eye of both the Wellington T.T.A. and also the Students' Association.

The proposed finals night should provide some excellent table [unclear: te] B. Jones will meet R. Darroch ("Wel lington rep.) in the final of the men's singles for the Cowle Memorial Cup. This cup has been donated by members of this college in memory of the late Ian Cowle who was an enthusiastic club member.

The exhibition match between Dunn and Hutchison (recently returned from N.S.W.) will be the highlight of what should be a very entertaining evening.


Published for the Victoria University Students' Association and printed by the Standard Press, 23a Marion St., Wellington.