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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 8. July 12, 1951

Spiced Mince

Spiced Mince


Although I am aware that the entire control of the Cafeteria is no longer in the hands of the Association, I understand that there is still a position on the Executive of Cafeteria Controller. May I suggest to the incoming Exec. that the new Cafeteria Controller attempt to prevent the present practice of the cook placing large quantities of mixed herbs, cinnamon, and similarly strong-tasting and repulsive commodities in the mince every night of the week? This is not my opinion alone. I saw several other people returning their plates after (1) paying 2/-, (2) tasting it, (3) adding Worcester sauce, (4) tasting it, (5) adding more Worcester sauce, (6) tasting it.

It is not the principle I object to as much as the price of the thing.

—Aching Void

[A polite request and Salient correspondents are no longer repulsed—we trust.
