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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.

§ 41

[i roto i te reo Māori]

§ 41.

If it is decided by the Court that nothing shall be paid to the plaintiff by the defendant, the Magistrate, if he think fit, may order that the plaintiff shall pay the defendant the expenses that he has been put to by being brought before the Court without a cause. The plaintiff must quietly submit to the decision of the Court, whatever it may be. Although he may feel disappointed, yet let the decision of the Magistrates, that is of the Court, be obeyed by him for he knows that the Magistrate does not lean to either side, nor regard either party with favour or disfavour, but decides according to his unbiassed view of the Law and justice. The Magistrate regards the Law and rght, and does not regard the man.

If judgment goes for the plaintiff, the defendant must pay the amount adjudged.

If either party refuses or neglects to obey the judgment of the Court, the Magistrate sends a constable to take his horses, his pigs, his wheat, or other property, and causes them to be sold until sufficient money is obtained to satisfy the judgment.

If there is not sufficient property to satisfy the judgment of the Court, the party in whose favor the judgment was given, may ask the Magistrate to send the other party to prison, and the Magistrate may imprison him for a period not exceeding four months.